Sapphire Mining Videos


Sapphire is the most precious and valuable blue gemstone. It is a very desirable gemstone due to its excellent color, hardness, durability, and luster. In the gem trade, Sapphire without any color prefix refers to the blue variety of the mineral Corundum. However, the term Sapphire describes all other gem varieties and colors of Corundum as well, excluding Ruby.

Sapphire mining in Australia

About an sapphire and opal mining areas in Australia.

Illegal sapphire mines

Madagascar's illegal sapphire mines.

Trading around Ilakaka

They introduce about an Madagascar’s Ilakaka sapphire mining area.

Sapphire Mining in Philipsburg

Process of Sapphire Mining in Philipsburg, Montana.

Sapphire Fossicking

Sapphire Fossicking at Glenalva (2017).

Sapphire Mining at Rock Creek

The newly established Rock Creek sapphire mine in Montana.